Why Sponsor MMHA?
It is that time of year again! Children across our region are dusting off hockey equipment, parents are exchanging gear, and grandparents are preparing their winter schedules. During Canada’s “5th season”, we all set aside part of our lives to provide those same children with an opportunity to learn, develop, and grow into independent, successful adults through the sport of hockey.
Mattawa Minor Hockey Association is more than just hockey. We are developers. We take part in the Firefighter Santa Claus Parade, we have packaged donated goods for seniors, our members clean up our community, and we take part in various food drives, as well as organize community events. We create leaders. In 2025/2025, parents and volunteers will invest countless hours in developing our children and you could be part of our team by selecting the sponsorship opportunity that best suits your business, corporation, or individual goals. Your contributions will allow us another successful year of play, transportation, competition, and skill building.
We look forward to working with you to create and foster positive, developmentally focused opportunity for the children of our region and we thank you for contributions past, present, and future.
If your business or organization is interested in sponsoring Mattawa Minor Hockey please contact
Dexture @ [email protected]